Thursday, March 14, 2024

इंग्लैंड के विरूद्ध भारत की ऐतिहासिक जीत

 धर्मशाला में पांचवे टेस्टे के तीसरे ही दिन भारत ने इंग्लैंड को एक पारी और ६४ रनों से हराकर टेस्ट श्रंखला 4 - 1 से जीतकर नया इतिहास रच दिया. टेस्ट क्रिकेट के लगभग 150 वर्षों के इतिहास में में ये मात्र चौथा मौका था जब किसी श्रंखला में पहला टेस्ट हारने के बाद किसी टीम ने लगातार चार टेस्ट मैच जीते हैं. 

विश्व टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप के फाइनल में और विश्व टी 20 कप के फाइनल में हार से भारतीय क्रिकेट प्रेमियों में व्याप्त  निराशा अब बहुत हद तक दूर हो गई है.

हाल के वर्षों में इंग्लैंड ने बेजबौल तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया था जिसमे टीम के रन बनाने की गति तेज होती है. पहले टेस्ट में कुछ हद तक इंग्लैंड की टीम सफल रही लेकिन बाद के मैचों  में यह तकनीक बुरी तरह फ्लॉप साबित हुई और भारतीय स्पिनर्स के आगे उनकी कुछ नहीं चली. 

हालाँकि घरेलु मैदान पर भारत का रिकॉर्ड बहुत अच्छा रहा है और किसी भी मेहमान टीम के लिए भारत को हराना मुश्किल होता है लेकिन इस तरह से एकतरफा जीत का अनुमान किसी को भी नहीं था . 

उम्मीद के अनुसार विकेट स्पिनर्स के अनुकूल रहे और दोनों टीमों के स्पिनर्स ने इनका भरपूर फ़ायदा उठाया . भारत और इंग्लैंड के सोइनरों ने पांच मैचों की इस श्रंखला में कुल 129 विकेट लेकर 100 वर्षों पुराना रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिया. इससे पहले वर्ष  1924 - 1925 में इंग्लैंड और ऑस्ट्रेलिया में खेले गए टेस्ट सीरीज में स्पिनर्स ने कुल 128 विकेट लेने का रिकॉर्ड बनाया था. इस टेस्ट सीरीज में भारत  की और से सर्वाधिक विकेट रामचंद्र आश्विन ने लिया उन्होंने कुल 26  विकेट चटकाए जबकि इंग्लैंड के टॉम हार्टली ने 22  विकेट लिए.  धर्मशाला टेस्ट आश्विन का 100वां टेस्ट था और इसमें भी कुल 9 विकेट लेकर आश्विन ने अपनी छाप छोड़ी . 

हरने के वावजूद इंग्लैंड के जेम्स एंडरसन  के लिए ये सीरीज यादगार रही . धर्मशाला टेस्ट में उन्होंने 700  विकेट उरे कर लिए और इस प्रकार टेस्ट मैचों में 700 विकेट लेने वाले पहले तेज गेंदबाज बन गए हैं. इनसे अधिक विकेट सिर्फ शेन वार्न और मुथैया मुरलीधरन के नाम है. 

इस सीरीज में भारतीय क्रिकेट के लिए बहुत शुभ संकेत दिखे. भारत ने पांच नए खिलाडियों आजमाया और इनमे से चार ने अपनी प्रतिभा के झंडे गाड़ दिए. सिर्फ पाटीदार ही असफल रहे. 

    इनमे सबसे अधिक प्रभावित किया ध्रुव जुरैल ने. राजकोट और रांची टेस्ट में जुरैल ने भारत को जीत दिलाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई और बहुतों को इनमे धोनी की छाप भी दिखाई दे रही है. रांची टेस्ट के चौथे दिन भारत 192 रनों के लक्ष्य का पीछा करते हुए एक समय एक विकेट के नुक़सान पर 99 रन बना चुका था.जीत सहज दिख रही थी, लेकिन अचानक से 21 रनों के भीतर चार खिलाड़ी आउट हो गए. दबाव पूरी तरह से टीम इंडिया पर आ गया.इन हालात में शुभमन गिल को दूसरे छोर पर शिकन तक नहीं आई. वह इसलिए क्योंकि उन्हें पता था कि साथ देने के लिए जुरेल है.जुरेल ने फिर से नाबाद 39 रनों की पारी खेली. इसके चलते उन्हें प्लेयर ऑफ़ द मैच का पुरस्कार भी मिला.

    राजकोट में भी पहली पारी में जब जुरेल बल्लेबाज़ी के लिए आए थे तो 155 रन पर ही टीम इंडिया के 5 विकेट गिर चुके थे. जल्द ही ये स्कोर 7 विकेट के नुकसान 177 रन में बदल गया.इन अति दबाव वाले हालात में भी जुरेल ने मैच के तीसरे दिन लंच तक आक्रामकता और सूझबूझ के बीच तालमेल दिखाते हुए 90 रन की पारी खेलकर भारत के लिए जीत का राष्ट प्रशस्त किया. 

दुसरे खिलाड़ी जिसने सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित किया वे हैं सरफ़राज़ . सरफ़राज़ के बारे में अक्सर ये शिकायत रहती है कि उन्हें मौका नहीं दिया जा रहा है और जब उन्हें मौका मिला तो अपने चयन को सरफ़राज़ ने सही साबित किया. छठे नंबर पर कई पारियों में सरफ़राज़ ने ठोस और जरुरत के अनुसार तेज़ बल्लेबाजी भी की. 

रांची में जब जसप्रीत बुमरा उपलब्ध नहीं थे तो सिराज के साथ तेज़ गेंदबाजी के लिए आकाशदीप को चुना गया और अपने पहले ही टेस्ट मैच में आकाशदीप ने सटीक गेंदबाजी कर 3 विकेट चटकाए. 

अंतिम टेस्ट में देवदत्त  पद्दिकल को आजमाया गया और अर्ध शतक बनाकर उन्होंने भी अपनी उपयोगिता साबित की. इससे ये साबित होता है की भारत बेंच स्ट्रेंथ काफी मज़बूत है . विरत कोहली पूरी सेइरिएस में नहीं खेले. रविन्द्र जडेजा भी दो मैचों में उपलब्ध नहीं थे. रिषभ पन्त और शमी जैसे स्थापित खिलाडी भी खेलने की स्थिति में नहीं थे . 

ये भविष्य के लिए बहुत ही शुभ संकेत है. 

अब आइये बात करते हैं श्रंखला के भारतीय हीरो खिलाडियों की. सबसे पहले यशस्वी जैसवाल. इस सीरीज में बैजबॉल का तोड़ 'जायसवाल का जैसबॉल' बना. यशस्वी ने पूरी सीरीज में अटैकिंग अंदाज में बल्लेबाजी की. यशस्वी ने इस सीरीज में कुल 9 पारियों में सर्वाधिक 712 रन बनाए, जिसमें दो दोहरे शतक और तीन अर्धशतक शामिल रहे. इस दौरान यशस्वी का स्ट्राइक रेट 79.91 और औसत 89.00 रहा. यशस्वी ने 68 चौके और 26 छक्के लगाए. 22 साल के यशस्वी ने विशाखापत्तनम टेस्ट मैच में 209 रनों की पारी खेली थी. फिर राजकोट टेस्ट में भी इस युवा खिलाड़ी ने भारत की दूसरी पारी में 214 रन बना डाले. फिर रांची और धर्मशाला टेस्ट मैच में भी यशस्वी का प्रदर्शन शानदार रहा. यशस्वी इस शानदार प्रदर्शन के चलते 'प्लेयर ऑफ द सीरीज' चुने गए.

दुसरे हीरो रहे रामचंद्र आश्विन. अनुभवी ऑफ-स्पिनर रविचंद्रन अश्विन ने धर्मशाला में अपने टेस्ट करियर का 100वां मैच खेला. अश्विन इस सीरीज जीत के हीरोज में से एक रहे. अश्विन ने कुल 10 पारियों में 24.80 की औसत से सबसे ज्यादा 26 विकेट चटकाए. इस दौरान अश्विन ने दो बार पारी में पांच विकेट लिए. 

कप्तान रोहित शर्मा की जीतनी भी तारीफ़ की जाये कम होगी. रोहित की कप्तानी में अलग तरह की परिपक्वता और अताम्विश्वास देखने को मिलता है. किस गेंदबाज को कब गेंद देनी है, रोहित का फिअसला हमेशा सटीक बैठा. रोहित ने कप्तानी के साथ-साथ बल्ले से भी कमाल का खेल दिखाया. रोहित ने इंग्लैंड के खिलाफ टेस्ट सीरीज में 44.44 की औसत से 400 रन बनाए. इस दौरान उनके बल्ले से दो शतक और एक अर्धशतक निकला. राजकोट टेस्ट में भारत पहले ही घंटे में तीन विकेट खोकर मुश्किलों में था, लेकिन रोहित ने शतकीय पारी खेलकर टीम को संकट से उबारा. 

टेस्ट श्रंखला जितने में कुलदीप यादव ने अहम् भूमिका निभाई.कुलदीप यादव मूलत: गेंदबाज हैं, लेकिन उन्होंने इस सीरीज में गेंद के साथ-साथ बल्ले से भी दमदार प्रदर्शन किया. कुलदीप ने 8 पारियों में 20.15 की औसत से 19 विकेट चटकाए. बल्लेबाजी की बात करें तो कुलदीप ने इस सीरीज में छह पारियों को मिलाकर कुल 362 गेंदें खेलकर 97 रन बनाए. कुलदीप को हैदराबाद टेस्ट मैच में खेलने का मौका नहीं मिला लेकिन उसके बाद हर मैच में कुलदीप ने बेहतर से बेहतर प्रदर्शन किया. 

टीम इंडिया की सीरीज जीत में बाएं हाथ के ऑलराउंडर रवींद्र जडेजा की भी अहम भूमिका रही. जडेजा ने गेंद के साथ-साथ बल्ले से शानदार प्रदर्शन किया. जडेजा ने ..छह पारियों में 38.66 के एवरेज से 232 रन बनाए, जिसमें एक शतक और एक अर्धशतक शामिल रहा. गेंदबाजी की बात करें तो जडेजा ने छह पारियों में 25.05 के  औसत से १९ विकेट भी चटकाए. आज के दिन में जडेजा एक आल राऊंदर के रूप में अपना अहम् स्थान भारतीय टीम में बना चुके हैं.

इसके अलावा श्भामन गिल ने भी बहुत ही सार्थक योगदान दिया.

कुल मिलकर ये कहा जा सकता है कि विश्व टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप फाइनल और विश्व एकदिवसीय कप फाइनल में ऑस्ट्रेलिया के हाथों जो हार मिली थी ,  बहुत हद तक इस जीत ने हार के ग़म को भुला दिया है. जिस तरह से नए खिलाडियों ने शानदार प्रदर्शन किया है, इससे उम्मीद बनती है की टी 20 विश्व कप में जीत के सूखे को रोहित के सेना समाप्त कर सकती है. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

 Shades of Friendship

    We all have friends. People have tendency to divide friends into simple, true , good and best friends or may be other types.

     That is not unnatural because among friends we really develop some kind of extra intimacy with some one and rightly he/she is termed as true /best friend. And rest remains good friends. But to say that some friends are bad or even worst is not fair. Friendship is a pious word and you can not associate it for someone who is bad/worst for you. A friend may develop some bad habits , even he may become really bad in terms of social parameters, yet he may remain your friend, if his attitude remains the same for you. A bad person can be your good friend and at the same time a bad 'friend' can be a good person. that is what we say Interpersonal relationship. The moment a friend behaves in unfriendly manner / deceives you, he ceases to be your friend. He then becomes bad or worst person  only. He at the most can be a nonfriend of you. A nonfriend does not deserve friendly treatment, he deserve proper courtesy and manner. A person can be your neighbour, your colleague , your co worker, your supervisor, your boss , your subordinate, your co passenger etc , they all deserve respect, courtesy and disciplined behaviour from you. Friendly behaviour should be reserved for friends only. Mutual trust is cornerstone of friendship. so one should be careful in choosing a friend.

    Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. Friendship is the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family , most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship?

    The very first sign of a very good friend, not necessarily a true friend is that we are not worried about courtesies. You will call your friend at any hour and talk without any thought of time in your mind. Similarly, whenever you need support, you will call a very good friend and ask him/her to help you out. They expect the same from you. Another important trait of such relations is that we are not much worried about exposing ourselves. We speak about everything in our mind without worrying about what our friends will think. We are sure that they will take our talk in the spirit it was made. We are unguarded and open with friends in our talk.

    A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts his/her own interest. A true friend will understand your motives and needs and will be with you without any analysis or criticism. A true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with us in need without showing it or expecting anything in return. With a true friend, you can be sure that you will get help to the extent possible by him/her.

    A true friend makes no excuses of having work or appointments or anything but will be with you whenever you need him/her. In your hour of desperation, a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you. A true friend is not an opportunist. if you have a true friend, treat yourself lucky.

But irony is that sometimes your really nice and good friend can give you a lesson, even hard lesson !

 How to deal with difficult people

Have you ever wondered why some people are difficult to work with?
Individuals behave in a difficult manner because they have learned that doing so keeps others off balance and incapable of effective action. Worst of all, they appear immune to all the usual methods of communication and persuasion designed to convince or help them change their ways
How to Cope
Avoid these “don'ts” when dealing with difficult people:
Don't take difficult people's behaviour personally. Their troublesome behaviour is habitual and affects most people with whom they come in contact.
Don't fight back or try to beat them at their own games. They have been practicing their skills for a lifetime, and you're an amateur.
Don't try to appease them. Difficult people have an insatiable appetite for more.
Don't try to change them. You can only change your responses to their behaviour.
Here's how you can cope effectively with following common types of difficult people.
The Complainer
There's always one person in a office who can never find anything about which to be happy. If he's not complaining about his health or family, he's complaining about his job, the company, or even his superior. Of course, some of his complaints may be legitimate, but the incessant whining is getting on your nerves. Generally, the complainer isn't looking for advice so offering it probably won't do any good. Change the subject whenever the bellyaching begins. Your colleague should get the hint after you do this repeatedly.
The Delegator
In almost every workplace you'll find someone who wants to share his work with his colleagues. I am not talking about those who have a legitimate reason to delegate work to others .I am speaking of those who either can't do all the work, they have been given or don't want to do it.. Tell your co worker you have your own work with which  you have to deal and you have no time to engage with his assignment.
The Credit Grabber
The credit grabber does not acknowledge any help he receives from others. he accepts all the praise for a successfully completed assignment without mentioning that he didn't do it alone. The first time this happens, consider it a mistake. Mention it to your colleague and ask him to let others know about your participation. If he doesn't, or if this happens again, make sure you let others know about the role you played in getting that project done. Then, unless you are mandated to work with this person, refuse to help out again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Independence Day,2018 celebration at AIR,Patna

Friday, January 2, 2015


Year 2014 has just ended making way for 2015. With every new year comes new hope and new aspirations.
      It is also a time for new year resolution. Although I am notorious for not fulfilling earlier resolutions, still i have again decided to go for new year resolutions albeit I will keep it short this time:
     On home front my resolution will be to give more time to family, specially my children who are in critical stage of their education. I will try to get more involved in their day to day activities including studies.
     On Social fronts ....nothing new outing with selected friends will continue but will try to say "No" whenever it will lead into conflict with my home affairs.
     On Office front...  I will not further develop habit of procrastination , and it will be my determination to prioritize  the assignments as per their importance.
     Thats all
   Let us hope and pray , I am able to  keep pace with my New year resolution


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Emergence of new era in Indian Polity

last month's general election in India has significant message for all of us. In more then one way ,it was historic election.
First: The participation of voters was unprecedented , and more important  young voters contributed significantly in this enhanced voter participation. Election Commission of India must be congratulated for this. They did a marvelous job through their SVEEP programme.
Second: The result of election was also historic. For the first time after Independence a truly Non congress government  has got an absolute majority in lower house.(In 1977 Janta Party was simply a mixture of four political parties, ideologically different political parties who came together simply to dislodge congress govt of emergency days)
Third: For the first time a party has got absolute majority without getting substantial votes of minorities, particularly muslims. That is baffling because muslim constitutes 15 % of total votes and they are considered to influence result in almost 100 constituencies. Since 1952 ruling party or at least ruling coalition always got a big part of muslim votes.
For the first time since 1984, there will not be any recognised opposition perty, as no party has got more then 10% of total seats. Congress will have to depend on mercy of ruling party to get its loksabha leader designated as leader of opposition.
Fifth: Congress has fared so badly that it is more now like a regional party. And there are some very influential party (Who have played a decisive role in letting UPA govt survive at crucial juncture) which are no longer represented like Mayavati's BSP, Ajit Singh's RLD, Farooq Abdullah's National Conference etc.

No doubt the present Loksabha will be totally different in its texture and for the first time a political party with a different ideology vis a vis congress party has got the mandate of people.
The million dollar question is how it happened. I think there are some concrete reasons:
firstly- All the political parties except NDA tried to corner bulk of Muslim votes through aggressive incentives exclusively meant for minorities. This intense fight among "Secular" parties led to a situation that majority of Hindus felt cornered in this vote bank politics. This led to erosion of caste lines during voting.
secondly- The people of India always associate themselves with a sense of pride with respect to the post of Prime Minister of India. Gradual marginalization of this highly august post means people felt a kind of humiliation for themselves. For them this post of PM is not a party post. Incidences of undermining the authority of PM sent a very bad signal to masses. It is noteworthy that an assertive Prime Minister in 2009 got majority of votes but in UPA2 story was completely different.
thirdly- UPA 2 was rocked by series of scams. Governemnt of the day not only failed to control these scams but a message was seen that Govt is trying to shield the culprits. The corruption tag cost dearly to Congress.
fourth- The life of common mass became more and more difficult due to gradual rise in inflation and consequent rise in prices of essential commodities. People were fed of daily problems due to this rise in price.
fifth- UPA went in election with a negative bent of mind. Instead of highlighting their achievements, they try to convince people that Narendra Modi is demon type of person ,that country will be divided if he comes to power. It even tried to negate the Gujrat model of developments. The treatment of Nrendra Modi like a political untouchable proved counter productive.

In my all the above five reasons collectively led to collapse of congress and emergence of BJP to the centre of Indian Political system
So, No doubt , a new era in Indian Polity has emerged.

Embracing conflicts in our daily life

Conflicts in our day to day life

  We do face various kinds of conflict almost at everywhere. At home, at office /workplace ,during travel etc. And more important ,many times, we suffer from conflicts with self which leads to delay in decision making , loss of positive energy , development of incomplete personality. 

There is no doubt that conflict is an inevitable part of life. Each of us possesses our own opinions, ideas and sets of beliefs. We have our own ways of looking at things and we act according to what we think is proper. Hence, we often find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios; may it involve other individuals, groups of people, or a struggle within our own selves. Consequently, conflict influences our actions and decisions in one way or another.
Conflict is classified into the following four types:
  • Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict between two individuals. This occurs typically due to how people are different from one another. We have varied personalities which usually results to incompatible choices and opinions. Sometimes it can eventually help in personal growth or developing your relationships with others. In addition, coming up with adjustments is necessary for managing this type of conflict. However, when interpersonal conflict gets too destructive, calling in a mediator would help so as to have it resolved.
  • Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual. The experience takes place in the person’s mind. Hence, it is a type of conflict that is psychological involving the individual’s thoughts, values, principles and emotions. Intrapersonal conflict may come in different scales, from the simpler mundane ones like deciding whether or not to go  for lunch to ones that can affect major decisions such as choosing a career path. Furthermore, this type of conflict can be quite difficult to handle if you find it hard to decipher your inner struggles. It leads to restlessness and uneasiness, or can even cause depression. In such occasions, it would be best to seek a way to let go of the anxiety through communicating with other people. Eventually, when you find yourself out of the situation, you can become more empowered as a person. Thus, the experience evoked a positive change which will help you in your own personal growth.
  • Intragroup conflict is a type of conflict that happens among individuals within a team. The incompatibilities and misunderstandings among these individuals lead to an intragroup conflict. It is arises from interpersonal disagreements (e.g. team members have different personalities which may lead to tension) or differences in views and ideas (e.g. in a presentation, members of the team might find the notions presented by the one presiding to be erroneous due to their differences in opinion). Within a team, conflict can be helpful in coming up with decisions which will eventually allow them to reach their objectives as a team.
  • Intergroup conflict takes place when a misunderstanding arises among different teams within an organization. For instance, the programme wing  of a media organization can come in conflict with the technical department. This is due to the varied sets of goals and interests of these different groups. In addition, competition also contributes for intergroup conflict to arise. There are other factors which fuel this type of conflict. Some of these factors may include a rivalry in resources .
Conflict may seem to be a problem to some, but this isn’t how conflict should be perceived. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for growth and can be an effective means of opening up among groups or individuals. However, when conflict begins to draws back productivity and gives way to more conflicts, then conflict management would be needed to come up .
Here is experience of a lady who has shared her views on conflict in these lines:
"My husband and I got married after only three dates. Three weeks after the wedding, we had our first fight. An extreme conflict avoider, I packed my bags and walked out. Rich chased after me. “Turn around,” he said. “Let’s sit down and have a conversation. There are two things we have to learn to do — one is to fight, the other is to make up.” We’ve now been practicing both for 44 years."
So effective leadership, like a good marriage, hinges on how you deal with the tough stuff. But addressing and resolving conflicts requires enormous mental and emotional strength, which is why many of us try to avoid it. When confronted with a problem or dispute, we either move away (flee the scene, rely on others for resolution), move against (quietly using positional power to quell opposing arguments) or move toward (make nice, give in). This is natural. We instinctively want to avoid the risk of loss and social embarrassment, to stick with our points of view, to preserve relationships and the status quo.
But all three strategies are wrong-headed. When you fail to engage with a conflict, you can’t gather the input you need to find a workable solution. And it hurts your image as a leader. So we need to learn to embrace, rather than avoid, disagreement. 
For a peaceful life dealing and eliminating conflicts from our life and also from our surroundings is always desired. What we need to do is develop our own internal strength, recognise our own value, recognise the value of other people and accept and understand the diversity in our world.